PRE-ORDER Tomica Limited Vintage Neo LV-N319a 1990 Nissan Cefiro Cruising Purplish Silver PRE-ORDER Tomica Limited Vintage Neo LV-N319a 1990 Nissan Cefiro Cruising Purplish Silver
Tomica (PRE-ORDER) Tomica Limited Vintage Neo LV-N319a 1990 Nissan Cefiro Cruising Purplish Silver ¥221.00
-A31 type Cefiro, which has a strong fan base, is now available! ● Developing a sporty cruising style ●FR sports sedan that is popular overseas The first generation Cefiro (A31 type) was released in 1988 with the main target being the "DINKS" group, which was a hot topic at the time. It was a car that gave off a sophisticated impression, with features such as Cefiro Coordination, which allowed the engine, interior and exterior to be freely combined without clear grade divisions, and styling including headlights covered in crystal covers. Later, taking advantage of the FR layout, it was used domestically and internationally as a base car for drifting and other sports, along with the Laurel and Silvia of the same period. Even now, about 30 years after it was changed to the second generation, the popularity of the first generation remains undiminished. TLV-NEO has developed the chassis of the C33 type Laurel and R32 type Skyline, which are said to be sibling cars, but here we have commercialized the A31 type Cefiro with a completely new mold. This time, we will develop a cruising model that is a mid-term model produced from 1990 to 1992 and equipped with an RB20DET engine. The rear spoiler is a user-installed part, so please choose whether to install it as if you were the owner. Among the Nissan 6-cylinder cars, please collect the first-generation Cefiro, which embodies the unique charm of a new brand and marked a glorious era for Nissan.
PRE-ORDER Tomica Limited Vintage LV-209a SUZU BELLETT 1800GT White 1970 PRE-ORDER Tomica Limited Vintage LV-209a SUZU BELLETT 1800GT White 1970
Tomica (PRE-ORDER) Tomica Limited Vintage LV-209a SUZU BELLETT 1800GT White 1970 ¥221.00
Experience the ultimate in vintage car collecting with the Tomica Limited Vintage LV-137c ISUZU BELLETT 1600GT type R. Boasting a vibrant white finish, this 1973 model is a must-have for any automotive enthusiast. Pre-order now to secure yours.
PRE-ORDER Tomica Limited Vintage Lamborghini Countach LP400 Red PRE-ORDER Tomica Limited Vintage Lamborghini Countach LP400 Red
Tomica (PRE-ORDER) Tomica Limited Vintage Lamborghini Countach LP400 Red ¥492.00
Introducing the Tomica Limited Vintage Lamborghini Countach LP400 Red! Experience the power and luxury of this iconic model, featuring intricate details and stunning design. Quench your thirst for speed and style with this limited edition collectible car. Don't miss out, get yours today!
Tomica 30th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Edition 70's Passenger Car Set Tomica 30th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Edition 70's Passenger Car Set
Tomica Tomica 30周年纪念限量版70年代乘用车套装 ¥1,474.00
密封/状况良好的盒子 没有被压扁的角落 ・ 本田 1300 Coube 9・ 丰田凌特 SL・ 晴朗 1200 库贝・ 科罗娜 1700H.T SL・ 斯巴鲁 R-2・桂冠2000GX Tomica 30周年纪念限量版70年代乘用车套装于2000年5月在池袋举行的Mini Tomica 30周年纪念博览会上发布。 2000年5月5日(星期五)至7日(星期日)在池袋阳光城举办了Mini Tomica Expo,以纪念Tomica成立30周年。在八月的大托米卡博览会的前期活动中,举办了立体模型展览。 所有汽车的车门上都印有“1970-2000 Anniversary Tomica”字样,车顶上则印有银色的 30 周年纪念标记。
Tomica Limited Vintage Neo 1:64 Ferrari GTO Black Tomica Limited Vintage Neo 1:64 Ferrari GTO Black
Tomica Tomica Limited Vintage Neo 1:64 法拉利 GTO 黑色 ¥492.00
GTO于1984年宣布,作为一款具有赛车潜力的跑车而开发。 符合当时B组竞赛车辆规则的车辆,在与308GTB通用的车身风格上垂直安装2.8升F114B发动机。配备两个涡轮增压器,可产生 400 马力。 - TLV-NEO 使用新模具将法拉利 GTO 商业化。 -再现了GTO的独特特征,例如在后面打开的发动机罩和从后面的底部可以看到的任务箱。 -继后来的F40之后,作为特殊的法拉利而受到欢迎的车型,所以请将其添加到您的收藏中。
Tomica Limited Vintage TLV-N185b Bluebird SSS-R Japanese Rally Championship Tomica Limited Vintage TLV-N185b Bluebird SSS-R Japanese Rally Championship
Tomica Tomica 限量复古 TLV-N185b 蓝鸟 SSS-R 日本拉力锦标赛 ¥442.00
蓝鸟60周年期待已久的U12型[SSS-R]终于商品化- 2019年也是达特桑蓝鸟诞生60周年,也是TLV的15岁生日。 - 作为日本领先的乘用车,活跃于世界各地的青鸟也凭借其坚固耐用的优势,活跃在拉力赛等赛车运动中。 - 基于第 8 代(U12 型)的 SSS-R,在相对较新的型号中尤其广为人知。 - 这是一款基于U12型的首次基于四轮驱动系统[Atesa]的竞赛用车,标配了防滚架,最初它是一辆非常简朴的汽车,只有两名乘客。 - 在TLV-NEO中,我们在U12型蓝鸟早期模具的基础上,通过修改压铸本体制成了SSS-R。 - 新制造了许多与普通车辆显着不同的树脂部件,例如室内和石护板,并再现了最初的类型SSS-R。 - 首先,我们将开发两种颜色,分别是市场营销状态和赢得1988年全日本拉力锦标赛系列赛冠军的Calsonic车队规格。 - 请欣赏U12系列SSS-R的魅力,它成为最后的蓝鸟,让人想起[拉里的日产]的别名。
Tomica Limited Vintage Neo The Era of Japanese Cars Mazda Savanna RX-7 Winning Green Tomica Limited Vintage Neo The Era of Japanese Cars Mazda Savanna RX-7 Winning Green
Tomica Tomica 限量复古 Neo 日本车时代 马自达 Savanna RX-7 获胜绿色 ¥369.00
-各种名车诞生,1989年被称为日本汽车史上的经典之年。 -今年是新年的第一年,每月都会有新车出现,而且都是引人关注的好车。 -今年,第二代Savannah RX-7(FC3S型)也时隔四年发生了显着变化。 -后一种类型,如发动机功率的提高、发动机罩的铝化(部分)等,走上了纯跑车的道路,变得更加流行,同时也是89年出现的Eunos Roadster的巨大成功,当时的马自达甚至被称为世界上最大的量产跑车制造商。 -说到FC3S,最擅长驾驶的限定车[∞(Anfini)]系列已经被告知。 -有2座、大量铝制轻量化部件、升级了10马力的215马力发动机(仅限IV型)等诸多特点,作为一款纯粹的跑车,影响力很大关于整个RX-7的老化。 -Anfini在FC3S型的整个生命周期中一直进化到所谓的I-IV型,但这一次,它被设置为'89的III型和'90规格的超稀有颜色白色III型和IV型 将Anfini的绿色商品化。 -【日系车时代】系列就是这种类型的套装。 ※ 前扰流板是用户安装部件。